Sunday 4 November 2012

=Hinduism and Nature=
Respect Earth, Protect Her, Stop Pollution, Go Green, Act Wisely
The Earth was not created by God to be partitioned into artificial geographic regions, over which men will then foolishly war with one another. Rather, she is a living being, a mother, a woman, a Goddess, whom we are to love, respect and 
nurture - as she so patiently nurtures us. In the Hindu tradition, Mother Earth even has a name: Bhu-devi.

To worship the Goddess is to honor the Earth and all the creatures. In the Vedic literatures mother Earth is personified as the Goddess Bhumi, or Prithvi. She is the abundant mother who showers her mercy oh her children.

Incident from the scriptures :
The Earth Goddess, Bhoodevi, nourished all humankind with Her bounty, She was venerated by sages and seers; She belonged to all. But then humans sought to possess Her and plunder Her wealth. Enraged by this callous new attitude toward Her, the goddess refused to let any seeds sprout or any plants bear fruit. Humanity began to starve and die away. Moved by their plight, the God Vishnu descended to Earth as the patriarch Prithu and tried to make peace with Bhoodevi. But she refused to forgive humankind; She ran away from Prithu in the form of a cow. Prithu decided to take a harsher approach, pursuing Her on his chariot and threatening to shoot Her with arrows.

“If you harm me,” She warned, “the world will cease to be.”
“I do not wish to harm You,” he replied. “I want You to feed

“Why should I nurture those who do not respect me?” She asked.

“Fear not,” He told Her. “I shall make sure humans respect their Mother Earth and treat Her as a cow treats Her calves. I will be Gopala, the cowherd, protecting You from danger.”
And so it came to pass, Prithu instituted the practice of prudent economics and taught mankind to draw on the Earth’s resources without exploiting Her. He also established the sacred laws of Dharma that ensure stability in society, and maintain a harmonious relationship between mankind and the world around. Pleased with this, Bhoodevi called Herself Prithvi, beloved of Prithu.

But the lesson remains, and may yet return to destroy humankind — as exploitation replaces respect, will She continue to nurture us and give us life?
(Source : Internet)
Oh Devi, bless us with your divine blessings. Grants us fulfillment, prosperity, peace, abundant food, water and air. You take care of Us and we will take care of You, Mother Earth.

- Om Swastiastu
- Jai Bhudevi Prithvi
- Hari Om

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