Friday 26 October 2012

Greatest Discoveries and Inventions of ancient hindus

Greatest Discoveries 'n Inventions of ancient hindus which the modern world doesn't know..!!!

Concept of indivisible Atoms->Adi ShankaraCharya

Defying Gravity 'n making invisible Objects->Vimana Shastra

Theory of Energy Conservation->Karma Theory

Law of Gravitation->BrahmaGupta

Light rays bend near a massive object, Architecture of houses and palaces, Usage of Smallest(1 millionth of second) and largest(~400 Trillion years) fraction of time, The oldest names of "astronomical" numbers, Concept of Pulsating Universe, The art of Navigation->RigVeda

Evolution of Life->Manusmriti

Taylor Series of Sine 'n Cosine functions, Newton power series, Gregory Leibnitz series for the Inverse Tangent, Leibtnitz power series for PI->Madhavacharya

Time taken by the Earth to orbit the Sun->Bhaskaracharya

Examples 'n usage of Infinity and Zero->Bhaskaracharya II

Arithmetic 'n Geometric Progression->Yajurveda

Gauss Interpolation formula->GovendaSwamin

Newton Gauss Backward Interpolation formula->Vateswaracharya

Lhuiler’s formula->Parameswaracharya 

Infinite Geometric Progression convergent series->Nilakanta

Positive and negative numbers->Brahmagupta

Heliocentric theory of Gravitation, Elliptical motion of planets around the Sun->Aryabhatta

Value of PI and Pythagorean theorem->Boudhayana

Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Quadratic equations-> Sridharacharya

Surgery and usage of anesthesia, surgical instruments->Maharshi Sushruta

Zinc distillation->India

Drilling of human teeth->Mehrgarh Culutre

Arithmetic operations->Narad Vishnu Purana

Ellipses->Surya Prayapti

Square root of 2, squaring a circle, dividing a segment into seven equal parts->Apasthamba's sutra

Irrational numbers, Knowledge of the tides and the stars ->Ancient India

Permutations->Bhagvati Sutras

Combinations->Sathananga Sutra
Infinite numbers->Anuyoga Dwara Sutra

The law of indices and Base System->Anuyoga Dwara Sutra

Circumference of the Earth and the lenght of the Solar year and Calculation of Sine Function, Lunar Crescent->Bhaskar I

Calculation of nCr and solutions to quadratic indeterminate equations->Varahamira

Least Common Multiple, Area of an ellipse->Mahaviracharya

Ratios, barter, simple interest, mixtures, purchase and sale, rates of travel, wages, and filling of cisterns, arithmetic and geometric progressions, including progressions with fractional numbers or terms, and formulas for the sum of certain finite series->Sridhara

Study of the sphere and it's properties and applications to geography, planetary mean motion, eccentric epicyclical model of the planets, first visibilities of the planets, the seasons, the lunar crescent, sin(a + b) = sin a cos b + cos a sin b; sin(a - b) = sin a cos b - cos a sin b->Bhaskaracharya

Expansion of the cos and sine functions->Madhava

Integer solutions to 21 types of systems of 2 algebraic equations->Chitrabhanu

Physical properties of different types of plants and natural substances->Vaisheshikas

Molecular groupings and Molecular/atomic motion and Sound properties like (echos, pitch, tonem harmonics, musical theory)->Prasastapada

Light Illumination->Susruta

Wave nature of Light and Sound->Chakrapani

Particle nature of Light->Mimamsakas

Reflection of Light->Varahamihira

Shadows and opacity of materials->Vatsyayana

Refraciton of Light->Uddyotakara

Linear, Rotary, Curvilinear motion, quantifications of the laws of motion->Prasastapada

Velocity = distance/time->Bhaskaracharya


Electrostatic Attraction, concept of kinetic energy, the process of boiling to evaporation, capillary motion, surface tension, viscosity->Shankara Misra

Solar heat->Udayana

Revolving water spray for cooling the air->ArthaShastra

A model to predict earthquakes->Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita


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