Monday 10 August 2020

కంచి పరమాచార్య సూక్తి

Uttering Lies and Fear - 3

You must have respect and devotion for all elders but meaningless fear should not be there. Fear is dirt that spoils the mind. Even if a wrong is committed, the elders should be told of it with humility but no attempt should be made to hide it by telling a lie. If the wrong is told to others truthfully, they will pardon. Even if they do not pardon but mete out some punishment, that too does not matter. They have the right to do so. We have to accept the punishment with courage, thinking, ‘we did a wrong thing; therefore we have received the punishment due for it’. Courage, truth etc, are like soap and other detergents that remove dirt.

- Kanchi Paramacharya

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